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Azure AD User Blocking

Enable and Disable User Account using Missing TimeSheets


  • Azure AD
  • Azure AD App registration with Microsoft Graph Permissions:
    • User.ManageIdentities.All
    • User.ReadWrite.All
  • User With adusername = email address
  • user With Timesheet Required
  • Configuration Key "AzureADKeys"
"TenantId": "*",
"ClientId": "*",
"ClientSecret": "*"
  • Global Query "GetDelinquentUsers"

Block Workflow

Payload from GetDelinquentUsers Global Query:

"Data": [
"Oid": "7744be77-4370-4936-8d3d-61cb772ba545",
"UserName": "Adam",

Unblock Workflow

  • Webhook for document Type Skill.Module.BusinessObjects.UnblockUserRequest pointing to Automation
  • Automation:
    • Use Payload from Webhook:
      • event.details.username
    • AzureAdAuthentication using AppId and AppSecret from Azure AD App registration
    • Rest - Patch MS Graph Api:

Payload from WebHook Example:

"secret": null,
"event": {
"id": "7744be77-4370-4936-8d3d-61cb772ba545",
"details": {
"userName": "",
"requestUtcDate": "2021-08-03T14:11:37.2064188Z",